Saturday, April 18, 2020

How Do I Complete an Application for Unemployment Benefits in Pennsylvania Via the Pandemic Portal If I am Self-Employed, an Independent Contractor or a Gig Worker?

This is the Way

Applying for Unemployment in Pennsylvania if You are a Self-Employed Business Owner, a Principal or Executive in a Closely Held Company That Has Shut Down or Gone Out of Business, a Partner, a Sole Proprietor, an Independent Contractor or a Gig Worker???

The Link to file is HERE

Once you get the application open, however, you may experience some confusion in answering some of the questions.  Here are some thoughts!

Confused About Certain Questions on the Unemployment Application for Self-Employed in Pennsylvania?

Here are the pages bound to confuse many applicants, along with my humble thoughts on what the questions mean - or how perhaps you should respond under given circumstances.


Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Unemployment Appeal Hearing in Pennsylvania?

Unemployment Appeal Hearings by Telephone in Pennsylvania - The New Norm - And Why You Want to Consider Hiring Legal Counsel

Pennsylvania Unemployment Lawyer - Willful Misconduct Referee Hearings

Seven Things to Know About The Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Board of Review

I Want to Quit My Job and Get Unemployment Benefits in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Unemployment Determination of Financial Eligibility - PENNSYLVANIA UNEMPLOYMENT LAWYERS

How Do I Complete an Application for Unemployment Compensation Benefits in Pennsylvania - Did I Resign or Was I Fired?  What is a Reduction in Force Versus a Layoff?

 What is a Necessitous and Compelling Reason for Quitting my Job Under Pennsylvania Unemployment Law? Philadelphia Unemployment Lawyers Explain

The Burden of Proof in a Pennsylvania Unemployment Appeal Referee Hearing

Performance Appraisals, Performance Evaluations and Character Evidence at a Pennsylvania Unemployment Appeal Hearing -  Experienced Unemployment Lawyers Explains Why They Are Generally Irrelevant

Can I Get Unemployment in Pennsylvania if I am Out on Disability Leave? What are the Differences Between Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability?


I was Fired - What Should I Say on My Internet On Line Application for Pennsylvania Unemployment Benefits?

Pennsylvania's Unemployment Compensation Board of Review - Philadelphia Lawyers Who File Appeals With Unemployment Board of Review

Voluntary Retirement and Unemployment Compensation in Pennsylvania - Am I Entitled to Benefits if I Retire From My Job?

Should I Resign or Let Them Fire Me? What Happens If I Quit My Job?  What Rights Do I Lose If I Resign or Quit From My Job?

Have an Appeal Hearing Before Referee?
Cal Today and We Can Discuss Potential Representation

Very best of luck to you!